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PGT Piggy Bank


  • Student News

  • The Play Group Piggy Bank

    On May 2, the families of the PGT "seniors" held an emotional thank you dinner for Jill, Steven, and the rest of the PGT staff. While there were many memorable things said, and many funny moments reenacted, one aspect of the night stands out. The Seniors; Lisa Clair, Ellie Forseter, Ari Friedland, Danielle Friedman, Caroline Gould, Jason Siegel and their families decided to start a fund for PGT: the Play Group Piggy Bank.

    The Piggy Bank is a fund that will be utilized for those little things that make a show special but cannot fit into the budget. Microphones, expensive costume pieces, set pieces, or props are among the countless uses this fund can and will have. The Seniors and their families started this fund with the idea that it would keep itself growing. No donation is too small. Instead of giving your child money at the end of the rehearsal process to buy flowers for the director, make a donation to the Piggy Bank. Unlike flowers, this little Piggy will not die, and putting some money into him is an effective way of helping the Play Group Theatre put together amazing shows for years to come. So, if Godspell, Piper, The People Garden, The Phantom Tollbooth, or any other PGT show made you

    laugh, ........................................................................................cry,......................................................................or even jump up and dance,


    think about how much it takes to put up productions like these. Even if your child was not a member of the cast of a show, open your hearts,

    and donate to the Play Group Piggy Bank. We appreciate it more than you could imagine.

    - The 1999 PGT Graduates



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